Sunday, February 6, 2011
Are We Going To See Double-Digit Interest Rates In Real Estate Again?
Posted by jellon at 6:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Digit Interest Rates
Historical Fiction - The Way Forward - Unique And Effective Writing
As we all know among people who are historical fiction writers that writing kind of this work requires a lot of time and massive effort as well as creativity to combine the historical fact with the story to make the perfect casting as well as endearing and dislikeable characters.
The benefit of writing historical fiction is the historical part is very easy to draw attention of the readers or audiences. This is because of most of historical fact already memorable for people in terms of the story itself as well as the characters in the story and they will easily understand what you are trying to present. However, even though the history is good and memorable for people, but if it is present poorly so it will generate unpleasant reading experience, which means the writer must spend a lot a lot of time to create story to make it reliable and realistic applied to all characters in the story as well as they have to specify length of the story do not too long or too short.
How to create effective piece of historical fiction writing work
You have to make sure that you write the true and accurate history. There might be some other people that know better than you about the fact of the history. Apart from that, the key point is you have to make them feel that they have been sent to the period of such a story. Therefore, it is very necessary for you to take a comprehensive study about time and period of the history as well as the fact and all the detail inside that story to make sure you have complete accuracy of it.
In fact, not only you have to know exactly about time sequence of the history but also you have to know about the place where the story actually happened and it's surrounding. For example, if you are writing about political situation you will have to know the major and sometimes minor historical and political events of the country and the impact of the situation that effect to other country countries surrounding it. Then you have to find out how the people who live in that period about their attitude as well as their actual feeling about that situation.
But this is only half way through, you still have some more work to do. You may also have to take further study of pattern of languages that people used in that period as well as other element. You have to study about what kind of type of dressing they worn social and all detail of life style such as food, transportation entertainment, music style that they listen or even type of weapon that they used.
So this is only first step of how to create a quality and effective historical fiction, which is very easy to follow, then take further study how to improve your writing skill of historical story then you will become success.
Posted by jellon at 6:02 AM 0 comments
Labels: The Way Forward
Gulliver's Travels As A Satire
Posted by jellon at 6:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Travels As A Satire
A Spiritual Perspective on Politics
Posted by jellon at 5:56 AM 0 comments
The Unfortunate Side to Politics
Whenever you have worked in a company where there is a hierarchy, no matter how small, you are in a Political situation. The ambition of your colleagues, sub-ordinates and superior managers all bounce together and this creates friction. Just doing your job is not enough you must be aware of the Politics of business and handle yourself in the midst of these interactions.
This type of awareness is becoming particularly important in the recession where finding a new career or job is particularly difficult with unemployment rising. Job security is about performance but also about Politics, you read about harassment and discrimination and unfortunately this is something you must actively avoid through purposeful tactics in dealing with your colleagues.
Any personal relationships in a business have an effect when decisions are made. You will encounter people who go out of their way to befriend a senior partner or manager in your business. Often this bears fruit when promotions are handed out, but it can backfire as well with many managers or directors cynical towards this type of behaviour. Walking the tight rope of interpersonal dealings with people and maintaining a professional distance is very difficult, but one that must be mastered.
Talking to colleagues you will hear many of them declare that they avoid politics in their life because they find it unpleasant. If you become isolated this will come back to haunt you when you need the support of others so you must engage with people and help manufacture their opinions of you through your own behaviour. But be careful what you say, most of the time the opportunity to score points to a director or manager will mean more than holding confidence pledged to you in private. A simple rule of thumb is if you do not ever want management finding out something; say nothing to your colleagues.
My decision to enter real life Politics was to learn to function in this type of environment not only to progress within the party I am a member of but to deal with people in a professional way. To succeed in Politics means networking, maintaining and growing new relationships and showing a keen willingness to learn. It also means negotiating when to stand for a position and being able to defeat, but not destroy opponents and still maintain a positive relationship with them. Private resentment may occur, but the best Politicians manage to win through. Too many times in the past I found myself in situations where dislike towards me meant that I had to conceded to myself that I was not playing the Political game well enough.
A fantastic example of this in the real world was the infamous deal made between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown after the death of leader John Smith brought about an impromptu leadership contest in the Labour Party in 1994. Blair managed to keep the support of Brown whilst getting his own way standing without the opposition of Brown who would have made his leadership challenge far more difficult. During his career Tony Blair was renowned as a skilled Politician who negotiated his way to the top with single minded ambition and brilliant handling of the people he needed to help him achieve his goals.
You must remain positive towards others, whilst keeping a professional distance. Colleagues should know you are fair, but ruthless in your pursuit of this fairness. Your private life should stay private and your demeanour personable, however if opponents and allies alike are not aware of your conviction to the cause whether that be towards the business or the next election then this is a mistake on your part. If they know you will make a tough decision, they will not be upset when you make the right choice even if it is a choice that negatively impacts them.
This does not mean that being warm to people is a tactic. My own dealings with people are genuinely friendly and warm at all times. But there is nothing wrong with having an awareness that political beings will seek mutually beneficial secret pacts and cliques. It is human nature to want to be friends and seek allies in situations where you are not secure, in business and political circles security is rare where maintaining authority depends on votes, support and confidence in your abilities. You can be part of these cliques by all means however be aware of where the benefit lies and for whom. The benefit may be yours, if so embrace it!
The difficulty for you in befriending your work colleagues is that most of the time you are interacting only in the business environment where other factors are at work aside from your apparent friendship. This is only found out at key moments where your misguided sense of loyalty from apparent friends may expose you in circumstances where awareness of your true position in terms of politics would give you time to prepare the right defense in the situation. Remember that when personal advancement is available, any consequences to others are generally forgotten or conveniently not considered. I have a high morale code and would not screw people but remember this does not mean that others behaviour towards you will be so honourable.
A healthy dose of friendly cynicism is recommended in all dealings with people. This does not mean you cannot be genuinely warm but remember that trust is earned over time and through actions, but a leopard can change its spots. It is unfortunate that people will seek to step on your own progress to facilitate their own, but you can make it far harder for them by not exposing yourself to such actions. Your own awareness and political manoeuvrings of your own will keep you in control of your own progression through the worlds political minefields.
95% of people you interact with are good honourable people. Make sure that to the rogue 5% of people you are not an easy target. This applies to all areas of life.
Posted by jellon at 5:52 AM 0 comments
Organizational Political Savvy
Posted by jellon at 5:48 AM 0 comments
Labels: Political Savvy
Art is a Reflection on Society - A Perspective
Posted by jellon at 5:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Reflection on Society
Online Currency Exchange Rates
Posted by jellon at 5:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: Exchange Rates
Importance of PEST Wrap Up for Various Businesses
Posted by jellon at 5:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: Various Businesses
16 Factors to Consider in Determining and Establishing Monetary and Fiscal Policy

If the economy suffers higher inflation then increasing money supply through monetary policy can be ineffective. So in making monetary and fiscal policy this factor should be considered
The willingness of people to consume is another factor in making those policies. Suppose if people's tendency is to consume whatever the interest rate is then monetary and fiscal policy may be ineffective
Every govt. has specific GDP target. Govt. makes policy to achieve the estimated GDP target. So this should be taken into consideration in making monetary and fiscal policy.
When the economy is in a recession, monetary policy may be ineffective in increasing spending and income. In this case, fiscal policy might be more effective in stimulating demand.
In setting the policies another considerable factor is the present interest rate. The present interest rate determines whether expansionary or contractionary monetary and fiscal policy should be introduced. The success of the policy depends on considering this factor.
In each and every year govt. sets specific revenue target. Through the budget govt. specifies it. So in making fiscal policy it should be considered. Suppose, in contractionary policy tax is reduced. If this happens then the policy contradicts with the aim to achieve revenue target.
Sometimes govt. wants to bar against import or export, so in making fiscal policy and monetary policy this should be taken into consideration. Reducing export duty or imposing import duty to any industry can have an impact on govt. policy.
If govt. want to privatize and encourage private sector to grow, Govt. will take privatization policy. In this case govt. will give facilities to the private sector by lowering taxes and decreasing interest rate through monetary and fiscal policy and vice versa. So govt. perspective on privatization is another important considerable factor.
Balance of payment is another important factor. If the govt. wants to decrease trade deficit certainly it can encourage export and discourage imports. So, monetary policy will reflect the desire of Govt.
As a third world and developing country like Bangladesh, where we are dependent on huge loan from the international organization. The influence of those organizations sometimes can be a considerable factor in making monetary and fiscal policy. In our country IMF and EU always pressures govt. to increase the deposit rate. So in policy making this is a considerable factor for the govt.
In making the policies, it should be determined and ensured that the policy should be in effect. Enforcement and implication is very much important here.
If people expect that the monetary policy and fiscal policy will create tax burden in future, then policy implication can be difficult. So it should be taken into consideration.
Each and every year govt. especially central bank has some specific foreign currency reserve target. In order to increase the reserve, favorable monetary policy should be introduced. So it is also important factor in consideration.
A country's political situation is another consideration for making those policies. If there exists stable political situation then any policy can be implemented easily. But in case of unstable political situation it's difficult to implement those policies.
Posted by jellon at 5:29 AM 0 comments
Political Science Books - The Key to Understanding the World
Posted by jellon at 5:26 AM 0 comments